
1492 Roswell Road Marietta, GA 30062 USA

+1 508 205 9795

+254 769 295 972

Nurturing Livelihoods: DODFI’s Pastoral Resilience


IIn the sun-scorched embrace of Kenya’s semi-arid lands, resilient communities thrive. The Masai, Samburu, Turkana, and others—keepers of ancient wisdom—tread lightly upon the earth. But their path is not without challenges. Droughts, scarce resources, and the delicate dance with wildlife shape their existence.

The Challenge: How do we honor tradition while embracing progress? How do we weave prosperity into the fabric of arid landscapes? DODFI stands at this crossroads—a steward of hope.


Kenya semi-arid areas






Charity, Care


Cattle Breeding
$ 0
Cattle Immunization
$ 0
Outreach and Field Services
$ 0
Building and Modernization of Abattoirs
$ 0

DODFI's Vision:

Enter the Sustainable Pastoral Livelihood Development Plan. Our mission? To empower communities, safeguard ecosystems, and nurture coexistence. Here’s how:

The ripple Effect:

  • Thriving Communities: Children will learn, elders will share stories, and futures will unfold.
  • Ecosystem Guardians: Pastoralists, stewards of the land, will tread gently. Wildlife will roam freely.
  • Resilience Woven: Droughts may come, but hope will endure.

Your Role: Choose a program, donate and ignite transformation:

  1. Cattle Breeding: Invest in generations, $1.25 million at a time.
  2. Immunization: Shield lives, $250,000 per vaccine.
  3. Field Services: Reach hearts, $1.25 million step by step.
  4. Modern Abattoirs: Dignity in sustenance, $1 million for progress.
  5. MSMEs: Nurture dreams, $1.25 million sown.

Our children may learn about the heroes of the past. Our task is to make ourselves the architects of the future.



Together, we’ll shepherd resilience, honor heritage, and write a saga of survival. Donate today. Be the guardian. Be the legacy.

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