DODFI Taita Taveta County Water & Sustainable Socio Economic MSMEs PPPS (CLM©®)
Executive Summary:
Although endowed with good agricultural land in most parts, the Taita Taveta County has a semi-arid climate with average rainfall. The limited rainfall leads to lack of water and low production of food that results in poverty for most subsistence farming communities in Taita Taveta. Taita Taveta County has lagged in many aspects among the communities across the country. In addition, clean, affordable and quality water for domestic, livestock and irrigation are inadequate. Most women and children travel up to 10km looking for water especially in rural areas and the quality is wanting leading to diseases. This has lowered the productivity among women who lack time to engage in livelihoods activities to better their lives. DODFI’s Taita Taveta water and sustainable socio economic MSMEs program will provide clean drinking water and integrated farming MSMEs that will create food security while bringing affordable and nutritious foods to the communities as well as create an overflow for export markets. Presently, arable land is about 719,000 acres with only 0.01% under food and cash crop production. Enormous agricultural economic potential will be unlocked with provision of adequate water for drinking and irrigation resulting in empowering communities with sustainable economic ventures. DODFI will execute the program by implementing the following projects:
Kenya semi-arid areas
Charity, Care
The Challenge:
In Taita Taveta, water scarcity is not just a statistic; it’s a daily struggle etched into the lives of women and children. They trek up to 10 kilometers, their jerry cans heavy, seeking water that is often contaminated. Diseases thrive, and productivity wanes. The cycle of poverty tightens its grip.
DODFI's Vision:
DODFI—the catalyst for change—introduces the Taita Taveta Water & Sustainable Socio-Economic MSMEs Program. Our mission? To transform lives by quenching thirst, nurturing crops, and empowering communities. Here’s how:
- Boreholes will pierce the earth, gushing forth life-giving water. A $1.75 million investment ensures that every drop is pure, accessible, and life-changing.
- Water tanks stand as sentinels, storing hope for arid days. With $750,000, we’ll dot the landscape with these reservoirs of resilience.
- Water treatment works and piping systems will weave through the county, irrigating fields and orchards. A $2 million commitment breathes life into every furrow.
- Water dams—nature’s savings accounts—will store abundance. A modest $300,000 investment yields exponential returns.
- Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) will flourish. With $300,000, we’ll seed ventures that ripple through the economy, creating jobs, stability, and hope.
The Ripple Effect:
- Food Security: As crops thrive, hunger recedes. Families feast on nutritious produce, and malnutrition retreats.
- Economic Resilience: Arable land, once parched, blooms with promise. Cash crops sprout, markets flourish, and prosperity takes root.
- Export Opportunities: Surplus yields spill beyond borders, enriching global markets. Taita Taveta becomes a beacon of abundance.
Your Role: Choose a program, Choose a project, ignite transformation:
- Boreholes: Quench thirst, $1.75 million at a time.
- Water Tanks: Store hope, $750,000 per reservoir.
- Water Treatment: Purity flows, $2 million strong.
- Water Dams: Reservoirs of resilience, $300,000 each.
- MSMEs: Seeds of prosperity, $300,000 sown.
History teaches us that unity is strength, and cautions us to submerge and overcome our differences in the quest for common goals.
Together, we’ll turn barren earth into fertile ground, and drops of water into rivers of change. Donate today. Be the ripple. Be the hope. 🌊🌱💙